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2023 端午節四念住禪修營Dragon Boat Festival 4-Day Mindfulness Retreat

Writer's picture: AdminAdmin

Updated: Aug 2, 2023

各位同修 Dear friends,

在經歷三年新冠疫情的活動限制後,我們很高興可以恢復禪修活動。在6月端午假期時段,我們邀請您參加為期四日的正念禪修營。正念是一種友善地覺知當下的能力。培養正念能讓我們在繁忙的生命裡找到內在的平靜及產生了解自己及他人的智慧。更重要的是透過如坐禪、行禪, 瑜伽, 正念交谈等修習,學習和掌握正念後,可將正念帶到人際關係及日常生活中,幫助提升生活的質素。

We are delighted to invite you joining us during the Dragon Boat festival in the four-day mindfulness retreat at Fa Hong Monastery. Mindfulness is a gentle awareness of our present moment body and mind states. With the skilful cultivation of mindfulness, it gives us inner peace and the wisdom of understanding oneself. In this silent retreat, we will practice sitting, walking meditation, mindful eating, mindful work and mindfulness interpersonal interaction. By cultivating the wholesome qualities of the mind, we can apply them into our daily life to live with ease and wisdom.

We serve healthy vegetarian food at the monastery.

日期 Dates: 6月22日 - 6月25日; June 22 to June 25, 2023

導師 Teachers: 梅斯清 Jessica Mui and Vickie Cheung 張彩庭

地點 Location: 大嶼山 法航精舍 Fa Hong monastery, Lantau Island, Hong Kong

語言 Language: 廣東話及英語 English and Cantonese

報名須知 Prerequisites: 這個禪修營適合有正念禪修經驗者參加,對於沒有禪修經驗或沒有參加過超過三日禪修營的人士,我們建議您報名參加我們的週末禪修活動。為了避免干擾及善用有限資源,我們只錄取能參加全程及不會遲到或早退者。

This retreat is for people with mindfulness meditation experience and those who have joined three days or more silent residential retreat before. To avoid disruptions, all participants are required to attend the whole retreat without being late or leaving early.

費用 Costs:




In order to cover the costs of food, logistics, hiring a cook and facilities for the retreat, there will be a fee of HK$1000. (HK$250 per day) Because retreat space is limited, this deposit is required to confirm your participation and is non-refundable within 7 days of the start of the retreat.

· You are also invited to donate to the teachers separately in appreciation for their time, support, and sharing of knowledge and experience.

· We offer financial support to join the retreat if needed.

填寫申請表 To register, please complete this online form.


If rather than attending the retreat you would like to serve as a volunteer, please contact us. This would be an option if you are available but prefer not to practice full time and are willing to help in the kitchen, garden, running errands and similar. Ideally this would be someone who is already familiar with Fa Hong operations.


導師 About the Teachers

梅斯清(Jessica Mui)從2002年開始修習內觀和慈心禪。經常去緬甸跟隨不同的禪師進行長期密集禪修,至今仍然翻譯佛法書籍及幫助禪師口譯。2006她參與創辦“香港慧觀禪修會”。至今仍在大中華地區教授佛法及禪修,並於2018年開始,修習及分享慧談。

Jessica Mui has been practicing Insight meditation and lovingkindness meditation since 2002. She has been to Myanmar for long retreats with different meditation masters over many years. Jessica graduated with an MA degree in Buddhist Studies from the University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka. In 2006, she helped to found the Hong Kong Insight Meditation Society to share Dhamma and meditation in Hong Kong. Since 2018, Jessica has been actively practicing and sharing Insight Dialogue practices online, in-person and in residential retreats.

張彩庭(Vickie Cheung)1995年開始學習禪修,之後跟隨南傳及漢傳不同的禪師修習各種禪修方法。曾到緬甸、泰國及中國內地等多次進行密集禪修,2000年開始協助推廣禪修及帶領襌修營,並分享透過瑜伽幫助提升正念的方法。

Vickie Cheung practices meditation with various masters since 1995. She has done intensive long retreats in Thailand, Myanmar and China many times. Since 2000, she organizes and teaches in meditation retreats, as well as mindful yoga.





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