- Sun, 20 AprZoomWe are delighted to offer a six-week online Introduction to Insight Dialogue course in English, with translation into Burmese. This course will cover the Insight Dialogue guidelines and practices aiming to cultivate freedom from suffering through relational mindfulness, kindness and compassion.
- Sat, 17 MayFa Hong MonasteryEnjoy a weekend of mindfulness practice in a supportive and calm environment, inviting us to let go of our usual habits of daily life. We share space with nature and with other retreatants who are also practicing mindfully and kindly.
Here you will find details about the Hong Kong Insight Meditation Society, our teachers and retreat centre, details on where we meet for regular practice as well as upcoming retreats, helpful information and resources on meditation, and the latest news and updates concerning HKIMS.

The Hong Kong Insight Meditation Society’s objectives are to cultivate wisdom by studying the Buddha’s teachings, exercising right reflection through Dhamma discussions, and most importantly, through the practice of Insight Meditation (Vipassana).

Visit our Resources for guides and articles relating to meditation and Buddhism. These have been split into a beginners section, and sections for established practitioners. You will also find material and recordings from past retreats and events.

Read the latest news about HKIMS, and other articles written by members of the community.

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