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Introduction to Insight Dialogue - English/Burmese - 6 week Online Course

Sun, 20 Apr



We are delighted to offer a six-week online Introduction to Insight Dialogue course in English, with translation into Burmese. This course will cover the Insight Dialogue guidelines and practices aiming to cultivate freedom from suffering through relational mindfulness, kindness and compassion.

Introduction to Insight Dialogue - English/Burmese - 6 week Online Course
Introduction to Insight Dialogue - English/Burmese - 6 week Online Course

時間及地點 Time & Location

20 Apr 2025, 7:30 pm – 9:00 pm


活動詳情 About The Event

We are delighted to offer a six-week online Introduction to Insight Dialogue course - this will be in English language, with translation into Burmese. This course will cover the Insight Dialogue guidelines and practices aiming to cultivate freedom from suffering through relational mindfulness, kindness and compassion.

Insight Dialogue benefits from and is interwoven with individual, silent meditation. Insight Dialogue also harnesses the power of relationship to amplify, refine, and accelerate the development of mindfulness. It helps the wisdom of Dhamma to enter the heart and mind in an immediate and embodied way that is instantly applicable in daily life.

Participants will meet for six consecutive weeks in real-time via Zoom for 90 minutes. Each week will include instruction on individual guidelines and contemplative dialogue practice. What is offered will be informed by the Three Bases of Insight Dialogue:  the wisdom teachings of the Buddha, meditative qualities, and the power of…

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