The Buddha taught that only wisdom and right understanding can weaken and uproot unwholesome mental habits like greed, anger, and delusion. The Hong Kong Insight Meditation Society’s objectives are to cultivate wisdom by studying the Buddha’s teachings, exercising right reflection through Dhamma discussions, and most importantly, through the practice of Insight Meditation (Vipassana).
As well as practicing to cultivate wisdom, we also practice meditation to cultivate other wholesome mental faculties such as lovingkindness, compassion, generosity, joy, gratitude, perseverance, equanimity and all other healthy and wholesome states of mind. The practices are mainly based on the Buddha’s discourses on the Four Noble Truths, the Four Establishments of Mindfulness, the Radiating of LovingKindness to all Beings, the Marks of Impermanence, Suffering and Non-Self, and Dependent Origination.
We organize weekly meditation sittings and monthly retreats. We hope to foster discussions on how to incorporate the Dhamma into our everyday life and live mindfully, guided by our ultimate core values.
We invite teachers to lead meditation retreats and give Dhamma Talks, as well as organize classes to study and gain deeper understanding of the Buddha’s Teachings.
We maintain a website to provide information about the Society, and resources in supporting our practice.
We publish and translate Dhamma books to facilitate the studying of the Buddha's teachings.
We accept contributions and donations to the Society whether in money or in kind, and we sponsor general charity projects as well as projects or activities that advance the spreading of the Buddhist Doctrine and the practice of meditation.
The Buddha stressed the importance of fellowship and support on the joyful and rewarding spiritual path. This is why HKIMS is an active community of like-minded people to offer each other such friendship and support. We benefit from the learning and practicing the Buddha’s teaching, and understand the importance of supporting each other and learning from wise teachers. Hence, we organize and provide resource to support fellow meditators and beginners alike. We wish people can get benefits on their journey of pursuing ultimate happiness.
In Hong Kong

Jessica Mui
Jessica Mui worked in the Canadian Telecoms industry for many years, having had an undergraduate background in Computer Science. In 2002, she quit her job to pursue spiritual development. Since then, Jessica visits Myanmar often to intensively practice Insight (Vipassana) meditation and Lovingkindness (Metta) meditation. She also goes to Myanmar to study the teachings of the Buddha, with different meditation masters for several months each year. Jessica graduated with an MA degree in Buddhist Studies from the University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka. Currently, Jessica teaches and organises meditation activities within Hong Kong and Greater China, and provides translation for the Burmese meditation masters.
HKIMS Teacher

Dr. Peta McAuley
Dr. Peta McAuley has practiced as an occupational psychologist in Hong Kong for over 30 years. Initially trained in Australia, she completed her Ph.D. at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. Since 2003 Dr. McAuley has been offering courses in mindfulness training. She has had a personal meditation practice since 1996, and attends extended silent retreats annually. More details (external link)...
Visiting Teacher

Vicky Cheung
Vicky Cheung has studied under Sayadaw Tejaniya for many years and leads meditation classes and retreats for Cantonese yogis.
Guest Teacher
Overseas Visiting
Visu was born in Penang, Malaysia, in 1953. He has been practising meditation since 1982 and has studied with various teachers including the Myanmar Meditation Master Sayadaw U Pandita. He had been a journalist for 12 years and a Buddhist monk for 17 years before he resumed the lay life in 2003. He and his wife, Barbara, travels to teach the Dhamma in various countries. Visu has led retreats in Malaysia, Singapore, Australia, Hong Kong, Sri Lanka, Italy and Czeck Republic. He is the author of several books including ‘Curbing Anger Spreading Love,’ ‘Loving and Dying,’ ‘Hello with love and other meditations’ and ‘Metta – the practice of lovingkindness for a happier life'. More details can be found at Visu's website (external link)...
Visiting Teacher
Sayadaw U Tejaniya began his Buddhist training as a young teenager in Burma under the late Shwe Oo Min Sayadaw (1913–2002). After a career in business and life as a householder, he has become a permanent monk and has been since 1996. He teaches meditation at Shwe Oo Min Dhamma Sukha Forest Meditation Centre in Yangon, Myanmar. Sayadaw’s relaxed demeanour and easy sense of humor can belie a commitment to awareness he encourages his students to apply in every aspect of their lives. His early life as a householder gives him a rare insight into the challenges faced by his lay students. His books, “Don’t Look Down on the Defilements, They Will Laugh at You”, “Awareness alone is not Enough”, “Dhamma Everywhere”, and his latest "When Awareness Becomes Natural: A Guide to Cultivating Mindfulness in Everyday Life" aptly characterize his teachings - accessible and true to the traditional teachings of the Buddha. (Find out more about his teachings here)
Visiting Teacher
Bringing together many contemporary wisdom works which he himself has realised and understood, Hor Tuck Loon 何德伦 offers a unique approach to the understanding of ones own minds. His style of pointing and sharing provokes reflection and discussion through courses, workshops and retreats. Using mindfulness+wisdom as a tool, he skillfully guides participants into understanding how recognising the mechanics of the mind brings about freedom, peace and release from mental stress. More details at WISE Foundation (external link)...
Visting Teacher

Sayadaw U Sasana
Sayadaw U Sasana was born in Nov 1936. He became a novice at 12 years old and attended his first 100-day intensive mediation under the guidance of the late Venerable Mahasi Sayadaw and Sayadwa U Pandita. He completed the teaching degrees of Sasanadhaja Dhammacariya and Vinaya Paliparagu and has been a meditation teacher for over 30 years, teaching at renowned meditation centers such as Jeyyavati Sasana Yeiktha, Mahasi Sasana Yeiktha and Panditarama. He also lead meditation retreats in UK, USA Taiwan, HK, Indonesia and other countries. He currently teaches at Panditarama Forest Meditation Center during the annual retreat and is also the Abbot of his own center, Gant Gaw Myaing Sasana Yeiktha, in Yangon.
Visiting Teacher

Venerable Chanmyay Sayadaw U Janakabhivamsa
The Venerable Chanmyay Sayadaw U Janakabhivamsa started to study the Buddhist scriptures at the age of fifteen as a novice monk. He received the higher upasampada ordination in 1947 and continued advanced studies of Buddhist scriptures. He practised Vipassana meditation under the instruction of the most Venerable Mahasi Sayadaw from 1953 to 1954. He was then invited by the State Buddha Sasana Organization to be an editor of the Buddhist scriptures in Pali for reciting Buddhist scriptures at the Sixth Buddhist Council in Myanmar. In 1967, he was appointed by the Venerable Mahasi Sayadaw as a meditation teacher at Mahasi Sasana Yeiktha,Yangon. In 1977 Sayadaw Ashin Janakabhivamsa took up residence at Chanmyay Yeiktha Meditation Center which was donated to him by some devotees and became the abbot of the center. He has been since then well known as Chanmyay Sayadaw.
Visiting Teacher
“I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived.”
Walden, by Henry David Thoreau
Located in the remote hills of Lantau Island and founded by the late Venerable Master Fa Hoi, Fa Hong Monastery is the mediation retreat center for the Hong Kong Insight Meditation Society. We conduct regular retreats here and members can also come meditate by appointment. Our practice is based on the Four Foundation of Mindfulness (Satipatthana Sutta) taught by the Buddha.
The centre is equipped with basic beddings and mosquito net, as well as meditation cushions, and hot water showers. Items to remember to bring; Comfortable and warm clothes, Personal towels, Personal medication, Cup, Umbrella, Slippers, Earplugs, etc.
From Ngong Ping
Take New Lantau Bus #2 from Mui Wo or #23 from Tung Chung to reach Ngong Ping. When you reach the big Buddha, take the path that leads to the tea garden & The Hong Kong Bank Foundation SG Davis Hostel. When you reach the SG Davis Hostel, walk straight along the path for about 30 to 40 minutes downhill. When you reach Po Lan Monastery, you are 3 minutes from the Fa Hong Monastery.
From Shek Mun Kap
Recommended Retreat Schedule
5.00am: Wake up / Walking meditation
5.50am: Chanting / Metta Meditation
7.00am: Breakfast
8.00am: Working session
9.00am: Sitting meditation
10.00am: Walking meditation / Yoga
11.00am: Sitting meditation
12.00pm: Lunch / Rest
2.00pm: Walk
2.30pm: Sit
3.30pm: Walk
4.30pm: Sit
5.30pm: Refreshment
6.00pm: Walk / Sit
7.00pm: Dhamma Talk / Discussion
8.15pm: Walk
8.45pm: Sit
9.30pm: Retire
Code of Conduct
Given its purpose as a place for spiritual practice, Meditators visiting Fa Hong should adhere to the following guidelines:
Observe the Five Precepts: refrain from killing living beings (including animals and insects), practice celibacy in the monastery, and refrain from smoking and taking alcohol or narcotic drugs.
Respect and follow the instructions given by the teacher.
Observe Noble Silence at all times. Speak to the staff quietly for assistance when necessary.
To ensure dedicated practice during the retreat period, participants are to surrender their mobile phones to the Co-Ordinator on arrival and turn off all electronic devices. Phone calls are allowed only for emergency.
Follow the daily timetable, be considerate and keep the retreat premises clean and tidy.
Wear simple, modest, and comfortable clothing. Tight, transparent, revealing clothing should not be worn. Do not wear make-up, perfume or jewellery.
If you feel sick or need help, please let the staff know immediately.
Meditators should inform staff in advance if they need to leave at any time during the retreat.
A one-hour daily house keeping/cleaning work meditation will be assigned to each meditator. This is part of the retreat routine. Therefore, the purpose is not finish the job in a rush, but instead simply to do the job mindfully.
Fa Hong is not covered by third party insurance - please do not use kitchen or electrical appliances without authorisation.
For full details of all aspects relating to visiting Fa Hong, please refer to the Fa Hong Monastery Visitor Guidelines.
Fa Hong is a non-profit charitable centre open to people for practice, we rely on your care and support. Please make good use of resources and be a responsible Meditator!